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Man Carrying Child in Arms


WE CAN works in collaboration with many organizations and groups in order to fulfill our mission of empowering Cape Cod women to achieve lasting positive change.  Rather than duplicate services, WE CAN acts as a hub, referring to organizations who already provide needed services and establishing new, otherwise not provided, services and programs.

Please note, each agency has their own eligibility criteria and there may be limitations on resources.

Need help? Call us: 508-430-8111


Support to families with babies: diapers, formula, clothing etc.

One-to-one youth mentoring programs to help young people achieve their full potential

Before- and after-school programs, summer camps, teen programs, and small group leadership programs

Preschool for ages 3-5, parent education programs, and playgroups on the Lower and Outer Cape

Mental health and child welfare services to children, adults, families, and those with special needs

Free database of local early education programs, and assistance with childcare voucher applications for eligible families

Workshops and activities for families and parents, fatherhood programs, and education advocate services

Parent support groups, including prison and recovery groups, and a parent stress phone line


Helps survivors of domestic violence achieve financial independence through education and resources

Services for survivors or those who are impacted by domestic/sexual violence, and verbal/emotional abuse

List of statewide resources for survivors of domestic violence, including transitional living programs

National hotline for domestic abuse/violence - advocates will listen without judgement and brainstorm ideas to help​

Emergency family shelter for women and children who are homeless due to domestic violence

Statewide hotline and referral resource for anyone impacted by domestic violence - in English and Spanish with translation services for other languages​

Free legal services for low-income survivors of domestic violence


Second hand furniture and clothing - benefits Cape Abilities

Used furniture, appliances, building materials & home goods, call to arrange a pick-up - benefits Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod

Used clothing, furniture, household items, and accepts women’s profession clothing - benefits the Falmouth Service Center

Quality used clothing and home goods, and accepts women’s professional clothing - benefits Corpus Christi Parish's St. Vincent DePaul Society

Quality used clothing and home goods, and will accept accept women’s professional clothing - benefits the Family Pantry of Cape Cod 

Reopening soon - call for date​


Training, certification and online programs for adult learners

Training, certification and online programs for adult learners

Offers associate degree and academic certificate programs for all ages

Maintains a list and helps administer scholarships for residents of Cape Cod and the Islands

Information guidelines on financial aid for college students

Through the Cape Cod Tech Community School, provides a list of scholarship offerings for adult learners


Urgent financial assistance for families on Cape Cod & the Islands

One-time emergency assistance to Lower Cape residents who are experiencing temporary financial crisis

Provides assistance to Outer Cape residents in immediate need of financial aid to pay utilities, rent, medical or other bills.

St. Vincent de Paul Societies provide emergency financial, clothing, and food assistance. Each one is independent and administered separately. Contact the one closest to where you live to ask about eligibility.


Help with filing a complaint regarding debt collection and credit program

Nationwide program that offers debt management counseling

Offers free credit reports

Free foreclosure counseling or fee-based services for reverse mortgage counseling

Provides free tax assistance for those over 50

Seasonal assistance in filling out federal and state income tax returns


Map showing all the food pantries on Cape Cod, with links, created by the Sandwich Food Pantry

Meals Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6-7 p.m. in Hyannis

A weekly food pantry for those in need

Harwich Food pantry open to all who need it, mobile food pantry, satellite food pantry at Cape Cod Community College, and assistance applying for SNAP benefits or fuel assistance​

Emergency food assistance to those in Mashpee to Harwich

Sponsors eight food pantries on the lower Cape

Nutritional program that provides eligible residents with monthly financial assistance to purchase groceries

Meals Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm and the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am to 12pm

Food, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare for pregnant women and families with young children

Eligible families can shop at the pantry once a month, and one extra time each month for a meat distribution


Umbrella agency that oversees Cape Cod Hospital and Falmouth Hospital, VNA, rehabilitation, and assisted living facility

Comprehensive healthcare services in one place, locations in Bourne, Falmouth, Mashpee and Centerville

Integrated primary healthcare and support services to persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness

Regular and emergency dental care; for patients without insurance, a sliding scale of fees is available

Adult & family medicine, dental care, pharmacy and community health services; for patients without insurance, a sliding scale of fees is available

Tools and advice for choosing a MassHealth, Children’s Medical Security Plan (CMSP), Health Safety Net, or ConnectorCare health plan

Free educational and support programs and services for individuals, families and friends of those with mental illness

Offers a full range of healthcare and supportive social services for residents of the ten outermost towns of Cape Cod; no one is denied services due to inability to pay.

Free Medicare counseling service for new and current Medicare beneficiaries, explaining options and assisting with enrollments

A free telephone referral services to those seeking a therapist


A local agency that provides a free child-friendly facility and comprehensive services to survivors of child abuse

800-792-5200 (nights or weekends)

State hotline to report suspected child abuse or neglect

State hotline to report incidents of suspected abuse involving adults with disabilities

Statewide hotline to report domestic violence

State hotline to report elder abuse or neglect

Provides emergency behavioral health services to residents of Cape Cod, mobile clinicians can usually meet a caller within one hour, anywhere on Cape

Statewide information and referral hotline for those looking for food, housing, and utility assistance, as well as for those in need of emotional support or experiencing suicidal ideation

Cape Cod hotline for those experiencing mental health issues

State hotline for parents and caregivers experiencing any kinds of problems related to their children

Cape-wide hotline for those experiencing pain, helplessness, feelings of isolation or suicide ideation​


Manages affordable houses on the lower Cape and offers a first time home buyer education program

Provides low income households with help paying home heating bills; the program runs November 1st to April 30th

Provides the opportunity for local families to help build their own homes, along with volunteers, and to pay an affordable mortgage

Manages 50 affordable rental units, administers rental assistance programs and manages a fund for emergency assistance for Cape Cod residents

An organization run by people who were formerly homeless themselves, they have four shelter homes (two for women and two for men) and providing housing and educational training to help homeless become productive members of society

Personalized case management solutions and programs to help residents attain financial independence and preserve their housing, serving Harwich to Provincetown

Provides services to help people find safe housing, administers Section 8 and housing voucher programs, provides rent and mortgage assistance, maintains a list of housing rentals, operates three family shelters and scattered sites emergency shelters

State resource site for affordable housing options and financial assistance for each town in Massachusetts


Provides free legal services and other help to immigrant victims of physical and sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking, and to their families

Provides free legal counsel and assistance for immigrants on immigration laws and regulations, green cards, work visas and in becoming a U.S. citizen

Free English classes for speakers of other languages (ESOL), from beginner to advanced 


Helps connect the Cape’s LGBTQ community and build bridges of understanding among the LGBTQ community, its allies, and the community at large - through events, activities, and a scholarship fund

Provides support, education and advocacy to parents, families, friends and members of the LGBTQ+ community

An alliance of young people ages 14-22 that offers peer led and adult supervised activities, programs, and supportive services to improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning and straight teens and young adults


Located in the Barnstable District Courthouse and open to everyone - loans legal books and materials, and knowledgeable law librarians can help with legal research, free online databases, as well as with lists of local attorneys

Online legal resources, including instructions for accessing the local court system by Zoom 

Affordable mediation services, and education about conflict resolution and problem solving

Assistance with filing complaints regarding consumer fraud, scams, identity theft, landlord-tenant disputes, and debt relief 

A virtual legal advice clinic in which qualifying users post civil legal question about a non-criminal matter, and are answered by pro bono attorneys​

Recent law school graduates provide affordable legal assistance to clients who would not otherwise be represented

Legal advice and guidance on probate and family court matters, offered by volunteer lawyers, 9am-1pm on weekdays at the Barnstable Probate Court -  on a first come, first served basis (during COVID, offered by Zoom)

Attorneys provide legal assistance for part or parts of a non criminal case, saving on legal fees - scroll down and click on the link that says "Probate & Family Court Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) Attorneys"

MA government site that provides paperwork used by judges and worksheets to calculate child support

MA government site that explains landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities

Provides practical information about legal rights in all areas: children & families, consumer, debt, employment, unemployment, and more

Free civil legal services to low income families, elders, victims of crime, and people with disabilities


Helps families living with the challenges of Alzheimer’s through group activities, support groups, and education

Provides 24/7 urgent and emergency behavioral health services, including walk-in services, a mobile crisis team, and peer coaching

Provides support and assistance to individuals with hoarding disorder

Inpatient and outpatient services for those suffering from addiction or mental health illnesses, including counseling, and also offers sober living facilities

Provides free educational programs, support programs, and services for individuals, families and friends of those with mental illness

Suicide awareness and survivor support


A robust local health and human services directory of agencies and services available for residents of Barnstable county, a medical library, community health indicator data, and info on current legislation and related news

Partnership of Christian ministries meeting the needs of the people of Cape Cod

Multiple services for people living with disabilities, including help with the process of obtaining benefits, workshops and trainings, assistance finding affordable housing, and youth programs

Provides services to low-income individuals and families in the area of public health insurance, childcare subsidy, immigration, SNAP, and emergency shelter

Manages affordable houses and supports growth of small businesses on the Lower Cape

Offers parenting programs, support groups, early childhood services, special education advocacy, and information and referral resources for families

Telephone directory that provides information and referral for statewide health and human services, especially in the areas of child and elder care, emergency food and shelter, substance abuse treatment, and educational and vocational assistance


Helps families living with the challenges of Alzheimer’s through group activities, support groups, and education

Membership-based services helping seniors stay in their own homes - serves the seven villages of Barnstable. Services include transportation, light chores, friendly visits, and more

Membership-based services helping seniors stay in their own homes - serves Dennis and Yarmouth. Services include transportation, light chores, friendly visits, and more

Central source of information and services for elders to maintain their independence; services include options counseling, caregiver support, volunteer resources center, money management, nutrition programs, home care, and information and referral

Membership-based services to help seniors stay in their own homes - serves Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, and Wellfleet. Services include transportation, light chores, friendly visits, and more

Membership-based services to help seniors stay in their own homes - serves the town of Falmouth. Services include transportation, light chores, friendly visits, and more

A comprehensive list of resources of businesses and professionals who serve seniors on Cape Cod, also offers senior networking meetings on the second Monday of each month

Free Medicare counseling service for new and current Medicare beneficiaries, explaining options and assisting with enrollments


Lists open job positions and a link to submit an application

In partnership with MassHire, provides online job postings on Cape Cod

Social organization that brings women together for social and professional networking

A non-profit that provides individual entrepreneurs with support and training

Career counseling, job search assistance, job placement assistance, academic assessment and remediation and computer literacy training

Unemployment assistance and job search resources

Educational workshops for job seekers

One-to-one mentoring and workshops for entrepreneurs and small business owners


WE CAN provides unique programs to help guide women through challenging times.

© 2024 WE CAN

WE CAN is a registered 501 (c)(3): 31-1777179





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