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June 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our June newsletter, we're filled with excitement and pride! This month is a time of celebration and reflection, from honoring Pride Month to commemorating Juneteenth. We're also still buzzing with joy from our 18th annual A Day of Words, Wit, and Wisdom (W3) event, which was a resounding success.

At WE CAN, our commitment to supporting women remains unwavering. We're here to provide information, education, networking, support, and empowerment. Our safe and welcoming space is open to all women, with services that are always free and confidential. If you need assistance or just want to learn more about what WE CAN offer, please don't hesitate to call us at 508-430-8111.

Thank you for being part of our community!

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WE CAN is a registered 501 (c)(3): 31-1777179




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